Integrity pro consulting
Integrity pro consulting


Thanks to the valuable and determined contribution.of the ‘USAID Government Integrity Project’ (ProIntegridad), the Judicial Branch of Peru has at its disposal the unpublished Judicial Manual of Clear and (Citizen) Accessible Language, which is a novel and complementary resource that will accompany the development of judicial processes and will improve the communication of judges with citizens, litigants and lawyers and, in turn, general understanding and trust around justice. Our team worked closely with the Peruvian judiciary, the Attorney General, the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, and the Special Committee for the Implementation of the Criminal Procedure Code, while supporting civil society to educate the public and monitor the anti-corruption systems introduced.

integrity pro consulting integrity pro consulting

Agency for International Development (USAID) selected Tetra Tech to implement the three-year Promoting Justice and Integrity in Public Administration (Pro-Integridad) project to strengthen the capacity of the Peruvian justice sector and support anti-corruption reforms outlined in the CPC. The CPC posed major challenges to Peruvian justice sector institutions in terms of organizational adaptation, interinstitutional coordination, and reform dissemination. In 2011 Peru began the nationwide implementation of a new CPC to combat corruption. Tetra Tech strengthened the capacity of Peru’s Judicial System to implement its Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) with an emphasis on corruption cases.

Integrity pro consulting