Hopper rental cars
Hopper rental cars

Sales tax and airport charges vary considerably from state to state and from country to country.

hopper rental cars

How can you avoid being nickel and dimed to death? Read on for a roundup of the car rental hidden costs you’re most likely to face, and tips for how cut costs on your next trip to the car rental counter.

#Hopper rental cars driver#

The final total? Including insurance, mandatory theft protection, a 20 percent tax, an underage driver fee, a surcharge for not filling the gas tank, and a few other “mystery” charges written on our bill in illegible Italian, I paid about $380 - more than a 200 percent increase over the base rate. On a trip to Italy a few years back, I rented a car with a base rate of about $110 for three days. Sales taxes, airport surcharges, insurance, licensing fees - by the time all the extra car rental hidden fees are added onto your bill, you may find yourself suffering a severe case of sticker shock … and paying double that seductive base rate (or worse). Instead, you may find the price skyrocketing as your bill is rung up at the rental counter. I get restless on long flights and like to be able to move around without disturbing anyone else."Įmail Sarah at you think you’ve gotten a great deal on your rental car - but unfortunately, netting that fabulous $14.99-a-day rate doesn’t guarantee you a cheap rental. Travel Motto: "'To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world.'-Freya Stark"Īisle, Window, or Middle Seat: "Aisle. Ultimate Bucket List Experience: "Road tripping and hiking through the rugged mountains of Patagonia." Even years later, reading my notes from a trip can bring back incredibly vivid memories." Follow her on Twitter Handy Item I Always Pack: "A journal. Sarah's practical travel advice has been featured in dozens of news outlets including the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, USA Today, Budget Travel, and Peter Greenberg Worldwide Radio.

hopper rental cars

Sarah joined the SmarterTravel team in 2017 after more than a decade at the helm of. She often attempts to recreate recipes from her international travels after she gets home (which has twice resulted in accidental kitchen fires-no humans or animals were harmed). Deputy Executive Editor Sarah Schlichter's idea of a perfect trip includes spotting exotic animals, hiking through pristine landscapes, exploring new neighborhoods on foot, and soaking up as much art as she can.

Hopper rental cars